Lindsay C. Cutshall
[09/09/81 - 08/15/04]

Lindsay & Jason
Jason S. Allen
[05/16/78 - 08/15/04]

♥ "The sun is going down on the horizon, and all I see is the beams shining on the cliff face, and I know that God is awesome. I look around and see His Creation all around me." --Lindsay ♥                                                                                 ♥ "As I stir this Mac & Cheese, I think to myself, what a wonderful life. I've just spent two awesome days with my fiance, Lindsay. Can life ever be so perfect? Only with a person who is so great. God gives me this privilege in life and He has given me a wonderful woman to enjoy it with." --Jason ♥                                                                                 ♥ "Live for things in heaven, not on earth." --Lindsay ♥                                                                                 ♥ "Heaven will be a wonderful place of no suffering, hurt, loneliness; it's a great thing to look forward to." --Lindsay ♥

Monday, September 09, 2024

Lindsay's 43rd Birthday!

Lindsay on the whitewater, Summer 2004

Today, Lindsay would have turned 43 years old. Her 21st birthday since she passed, and she was only 22 when she died. She was so young! She had her whole life with Jason ahead of her. It truly breaks my heart that they were robbed of their lives together. But I have learned that God views death differently than we do. Lindsay and Jason are more alive now than they were before, which is hard to understand, but very comforting! The Cutshalls and the Allens have lived through the unfathomable, but their faith... the same faith that Lindsay and Jason also held... is unwavering! They have turned tragedy into triumph, by the grace of God... and countless lives have been changed! Lindsay and Jason did not die in vain!

I didn't know Lindsay. Everything I know about her, I have learned from her family and others who knew her. I did get to meet her once and she was a sweetheart. Very soft-spoken and kind. I saw the love she had for Jason and it was adorable. She and Jason were remarkably compatible... both having the same interests and the same love for Jesus! I am so glad their last hours together here were watching a beautiful sunset after such a fun day together! Only a couple of hours later, they met Jesus face-to-face. Lindsay, wise beyond her years, earlier in life had written this in a journal:

"I greatly desire to have many crowns to give my God when I get to heaven. Nothing on earth matters in light of eternity. It is so easy to get caught up in the things of the world and forget what really matters. How amazing that we have forever to spend with Christ! The more we worship and spend our lives for Christ on earth, the better we can serve Him in heaven. I sometimes think of myself as a pilgrim in a foreign land traveling through life. We are here temporarily. I should be less materialistic and give more to God. Don't waste time!"

She already had her heart focused on heaven. Jesus was her focus! Her purpose here was to serve Him, worship Him, and prepare herself for heaven. She was the real deal! She was a light. She was a city on a hill. She exemplified this verse:

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." ~Matthew 5:14-16 (NKJV)

Please pray for Lindsay's family today! I can only imagine how hard it is to experience another year without her.

♥ Happy 43rd Birthday Lindsay! ♥

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Twenty years!

Jason & Lindsay ice skating in Michigan. ♥

Twenty years. It has been 20 long (yet short) years since the day that changed everything. I think about the fun day that Jason and Lindsay had just experienced... driving to San Francisco and exploring the city (a first for Lindsay). They stopped to take pictures at various places... touristy things that most everyone does. They were having a great time on their last weekend together in California. Lindsay was going to fly home earlier than Jason to get things ready for their upcoming wedding. In no way did they ever expect that they would die that night. I am glad they enjoyed that evening marveling at God's creation in the beautiful sunset they experienced. (We know this because they wrote about it in the journal that was left for visitors to sign, in a driftwood structure on that beach/cove.) Then they fell asleep under the stars in their individual sleeping bags, probably so excited to spend this time together and think about their wedding that was fast approaching.

I will never understand what happened next. It still breaks my heart. Jason and Lindsay were robbed of their lives and their future and their families were robbed of their precious kids, siblings, etc. It is unfathomable. I understand that God allowed it to happen, but He did not cause it. This tragedy was caused by a very disturbed individual, filled with evil, who made a terrible decision that night. But in God's perfect grace and mercy, He took this tragedy and turned it into victory. Not only did Jason and Lindsay enter into glory, but their story has been a powerful testimony that has changed lives for eternity and glorified Jesus in the process. I feel so blessed to have known Jason. My memories of him are absolutely precious to me, and his family are so dear to my heart. I think it's inevitable that something like this changes your perspective on life forever. God gives you eyes to see that this life is fragile and a vapor in the expanse of eternity. Our true home is in heaven and we will be there someday... maybe sooner than we realize... but there is nothing to fear. It is truly our gain!

From the apostle Paul: "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." ~Philippians 1:21

Here are some things about heaven that we do know, from passages in the Bible. These are amazing!

Whoever believes in Christ shall never perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

The apostle John was privileged to see and report on the heavenly city (Revelation 21:10-27). John witnessed that heaven (the new earth) possesses the "glory of God" (Revelation 21:11), the very presence of God. Because heaven has no night and the Lord Himself is the light, the sun and moon are no longer needed (Revelation 22:5).

The city is filled with the brilliance of costly stones and crystal clear jasper. Heaven has twelve gates (Revelation 21:12) and twelve foundations (Revelation 21:14). The paradise of the Garden of Eden is restored: the river of the water of life flows freely and the tree of life is available once again, yielding fruit monthly with leaves that "heal the nations" (Revelation 22:1-2). However eloquent John was in his description of heaven, the reality of heaven is beyond the ability of finite man to describe (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Heaven is a place of "no mores." There will be no more tears, no more pain, and no more sorrow (Revelation 21:4). There will be no more separation, because death will be conquered (Revelation 20:6). The best thing about heaven is the presence of our Lord and Savior (1 John 3:2). We will be face to face with the Lamb of God who loved us and sacrificed Himself so that we can enjoy His presence in heaven for eternity.


It is a great joy and comfort to know that Jason and Lindsay are there and someday we will all see them again. The pain of this tragedy will be gone forever.

To everyone who reads this blog, thank you for your continued interest in Jason and Lindsay's story! I am amazed at how many people still find this blog and read it. I hope their story has touched your hearts in a powerful way... because it's so much bigger than what happened to two people that you see or read about in a TV show or news article. This is a story about God's grace and about a beautiful legacy of faith that Jason and Lindsay left behind. I pray God's blessing over you!

I thank God for what He has done to bring beauty from the ashes these past 20 years. Now we can look back and reflect upon our memories with joy instead of pain. What a gift we have in Jesus! ♥

Below is a beautiful tribute from Jason's mom:

This August 15, 2024 is the 20th anniversary of the homegoing of our beloved Jason and Lindsay. It just does not seem possible that twenty years have passed. That seems such a long time ago, and yet, to be honest, it has passed more quickly than we could ever have imagined.

We had to learn to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts and patch them back together again. It took months, and even years, to heal from the pain of our sudden loss and to find joy in everyday living again. We were never in despair nor did we lose our joy in the Lord, but we grieved. We speak the truth when we say, "It was only by the GRACE of God and the through the HOPE we find in Jesus Christ that we were able to do so."

God was faithful to us in that He showed us purpose in the tragedy that took place. Did we understand everything? No, but we trusted God. Someday, we will understand everything perfectly, and we will rejoice with Jason and Lindsay in how God used them to further His kingdom.

Bob and Delores Allen

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Jason's 46th Birthday!

Jason's 26th Birthday, 20 years ago today ♥

Today is Jason's 46th birthday. The photo above is from 20 years ago today, on his 26th birthday. (The last one he celebrated.) It is crazy how fast these 20 years have gone by! SO much has happened! The world is an entirely different place. Many biblical end-times prophecies are coming true, or beginning to. Some are pretty scary... but we know the end of the story! We do not need to fear. We know with certainty that, in the end, GOD WINS! Praise Jesus for that!

I was thinking about Jason this past weekend. My family celebrated Mother's Day at my mom & dad's house, which is still right next door to the house where Jason grew up. Although the houses and yards look a bit different, I had flashback memories of my childhood with him 40ish years ago and I can picture everything the way it was. I will treasure those memories for as long as I live. My parents had a bunch of old slides converted into digital photos recently and found these. These were taken at a local amusement park that was very small in the 80s and now it's huge! How cute were we? :) We didn't know what the future held but, despite it all, God has been glorified and there's nothing better than that.

My sister, me and Jason :)

I have no idea what heaven is like, other than knowing that it's far greater than any human mind can begin to imagine or dream of! I don't know if we will know when our birthdays are/were or how that all works, but until we are there, we will remember Jason on his birthday and remember the truly awesome person he was and is! He was a young man of faith, humility, kindness, humor and adventure. He loved Lindsay wholeheartedly! He loved Jesus with all of his heart! Both he and Lindsay set beautiful examples of what a life dedicated to Jesus looks like.

Jason's mom wrote a sweet note in his memory today:

Happy 46th Birthday Jason!

We will always miss your smile, your sense of humor, your sense of adventure, but we know that you are living life to the fullest in your heavenly home, and that gives us peace and joy. One day we will be reunited, and we will pick up where we left off. It always gave you so much pleasure to take us on tours of the surrounding areas when we would visit you here on earth: mountains, rivers, canyons. We can only imagine the grand tour you will give us in our heavenly home. We have so much to look forward to! Until then, we remember the precious memories with you.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy Birthday Jason! You will never be forgotten!

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Lindsay's 42nd Birthday

Lindsay near Donner Lake, Summer 2004

Today, Lindsay would have turned 42 years old. She was only 22 when she passed away, just a few short weeks before her 23rd birthday. How on earth are these years flying by so quickly? Every year is another year closer to heaven and I'm okay with that. Actually, every day, every hour, every minute and every breath is another closer to heaven. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I have to remind myself of this every year on my birthday: "Never regret growing older, for it's a privilege denied to many."

Lindsay sure lived a lot in her short 22 years on earth! She touched the hearts of so many people. Her faith was radiant and unwavering. Her love and devotion to Jesus was evident. She took in the beauty of nature and sincerely praised God for His Creation. She loved Jason so much and looked forward to their upcoming wedding and the many years of marriage they hoped to have. I don't know why God allowed her and Jason to be taken at so young an age, and before their wedding, but I do know that God is GOOD. I have seen firsthand how He has brought beauty from the ashes. I see how Lindsay's simple but powerful faith and genuine character has set an example of how a woman of faith should live. I look at the chaos and busyness all around me these days and thinking of Lindsay reminds me of a quiet life that's lacking in materialism but strong in intentionality in obedience to Jesus and storing up for herself treasures in heaven.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
~Matthew 6:19-21

I praise God for the great example of a genuine woman of faith that Lindsay was for others! In her death, her gentle and humble nature and her complete devotion to serving the Lord became her legacy! She set an amazing example for all of us and I am so grateful that God has not let her death be in vain. To God be the glory!!!

♥ Happy 42nd Birthday Lindsay! ♥

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Nineteen years...

Jason & Lindsay on their last day before heaven. ♥

Today marks 19 years since Jason and Lindsay went home to be with Jesus.

When I think of Jason and Lindsay, I remember their humble nature, their love for Christ, and their love for others (family, friends, etc.).

They were not materialistic.
They were honest.
They were genuine.
They were kind-hearted.
They were funny.
They truly loved Jesus.
They had servant's hearts.
They were a blessing to everyone who knew them.
They were truly good people, and
They are dearly missed.

When their story appeared in headlines, they were referred to as many things: a midwestern couple, a young couple, two young Bible-camp counselors, victims of the Jenner slaying, an engaged couple, etc., but they were so much more than that. They were such a big part of their family's lives and loved by so many people. They were real. They were a part of our life stories.

Everyone has a story. Everyone has life experiences, both good and bad, that have shaped who they are. Everyone's story is unique. For those who have found Christ and follow Him, their "testimony" is their story of faith and how God has transformed their lives.

One of the things I love most about God is His ability to use even our mistakes for His glory. You might think you're too far gone to be used for God's glory but you are not! Your personal experiences, both good and bad, make you uniquely equipped to help others. God can help you find purpose for your pain and give you true healing. Your life story, all of it, can be your legacy of faith if you invite Christ to be a part of it.

Jason and Lindsay each had beautiful testimonies. Both grew up with amazing families who taught them about Jesus and raised them to love the Lord. They both embraced faith in Christ and their faith was radiant. They were very humble and unique in the sense that they gave up their material possessions so they could pursue a life of serving Jesus. As hard as it is to understand, I believe God allowed them to die when and how they did because He knew their story would be a powerful one that would resonate with many lost souls. Nineteen years ago, a disturbed young man with evil intentions sought to kill innocent people, but God did not allow that darkness to be the story. Jason and Lindsay's faith became the story/legacy and God continues to get the glory. That is exactly what Jason and Lindsay would want and more than they could have ever imagined.

What is your story? When you look back, do you see a purpose for the good and the bad? If you look back and only see pain, I pray that you will ask God to redeem it and restore your broken heart. If you look back and you see a relatively easy life, I pray that you will ask God to give you a perspective that only He can give you. I pray that everyone turns to God to ask Him how He can help you find how you are uniquely equipped to serve Him based upon your own personal experiences. We are all here for a reason. God created us with a purpose. Every single one of us. Never forget that! And how we live will ultimately be our legacy... one that I pray will glorify God.

Jason and Lindsay, we know you are more alive now than you ever were before, in the presence of Christ and in a place more incredible than our finite human minds can even begin to imagine. It's amazing to think that heaven is just a breath away. I am so grateful to you both for your humility and authenticity and the way you lived for Jesus! If only you could see how your story has brought so many people to faith in Christ. Maybe you already know. You are both dearly missed. We laugh thinking about the good times and cry thinking about the pain of losing you. But we all know that we will see you again and that is a priceless gift. To God be the glory, always!

Here is a beautiful message from Jason's mom:

Beloved Friends,

Many years ago, I read Billy Graham's book, "Angels." Near the conclusion of the book, he wrote the chapter entitled, "The Angels and Death." It left a lasting impression on me that there is beauty and majesty in the death of a saint.

Graham states, "Death for the Christian cuts the cord that hold us captive in this present evil world, so that angels may transport believers to their heavenly inheritance. Death is the fiery chariot, the gentle voice of the king, the invitation to non-stop passage into the banquet house of the world of glory."

Jason and Lindsay were certainly surrounded by evil on the beach that early morning of August 15, 2004. Evil had stalked them the previous evening. And then God, in His magnificent love, power and glory announced, "You two beautiful children are mine! I have come to take you Home." He cut the cord and took them to glory. This was the VICTORY IN CHRIST for Jason and Lindsay! We miss you both, Jason and Lindsay, but we will soon be with you when God's angels take us home to be with you.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Jason's 45th Birthday!

Jason's 26th Birthday
(The same birthday his mom references below.)

Today is Jason's 45th Birthday! It also marks his 19th birthday since he entered into heaven.

I still think it is remarkable how much Jason did in his 26 years and 3 months of life here. He understood early on how important it is to live for Christ now, and not wait until later. None of us know how much time we have to live. You could live your life not really caring about God and having a relationship with Him, assuming that you can get just your act together "later"... and then not have a "later." The saddest part about it is that trying to navigate life with no faith in Christ is like being adrift in the ocean with no sail, no oars, no motor and no rudder. You're at the mercy of the chaos that surrounds you. And when things get really bad, you rely on what you know or what you feel, instead of turning to Christ for help, wisdom and discernment. That can lead to people losing their faith entirely and resorting to a life of bitterness and misery. But God is right there, ready and waiting to help you. He longs to know you and be a part of your life, but He gives everyone free will. He waits for your invitation. Jason invited Christ into his life at an early age and had the most wonderful family who guided him in his faith journey. They modeled what living for Christ looks like and he chose to follow their example. Jason always loved being outdoors. It was a God-given, innate joy for him that he had since childhood. I love that he found a way to serve God outdoors, and that he found Lindsay in the process, who (providencially) shared the same interests. They both served Christ at youth adventure camps, which was pretty much the most perfect job they could have! And in the midst of that, right before they were to be married, their time on earth ended. It was crushing and devastating and so hard to understand, but in the years since, it has been obvious that God has been glorified by their story. They did not die in vain. Their personal decisions to follow Christ have given their memory a platform to reach others in the name of Christ. What a beautiful legacy. ♥

Here is a sweet note from Jason's mom:

The last time we saw Jason was May 16, 2004, his twenty-sixth birthday. It never entered our minds that when we hugged good-bye, it would be our last hug here on earth. God knew that though, because He recorded it in His book. How blessed we were to have 26 years with him, and while our desire was to have him with us years beyond that birthday, God’s plan for his life was accomplished.

"You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in Your book."
~Psalm 139:16 LB

The psalmist continues in verses 17 and 18 giving us reminders of how He cared for Jason, how He cared for us in our time of grief and how He continues to watch over us.

"How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly. I can’t even count how many times a day Your thoughts turn towards me, and when I waken in the morning, You are still thinking of me!"

Be assured loved ones, God created you in love and planned your whole life. It is our responsibility to return that love by living in His will and obeying His commandments. That my friend is having the “abundant life” that Jesus promised us.

We miss you, Jason. We look forward to our heavenly reunion.

Happy 45th birthday in heaven.
Love, Mom and Dad

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy Birthday Jason! You will never be forgotten!

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