Trying to cope...
Here is an updated article (PDF) from our local newspaper about Jason and Lindsay. There isn't much news yet... but they keep adding more about what Jason and Lindsay were like, and I think these articles are well-written and worth reading.
My pastor at church today mentioned the tragedy of Jason and Lindsay's murder and it made me cry. Another friend of mine and Jason's, from our childhood, was there with me and she was crying too. This is one of those things that I'm not sure any of us will ever get over. I mean, how do you deal when a friend you've known your entire life gets murdered? Not to mention... gets murdered for NO REASON? It's almost worse that there appears to be no motive, because then it was 1000000% senseless. Not like murder ever has a real purpose. It is always an evil, senseless, cruel, crime. And there is no class on "coping with the murder of a friend" in college. It just leaves you feeling so incredibly emotionally drained. All my nerves are raw. I am on a huge emotional roller coaster. I'll be okay for a while, while I'm preoccupying myself with other things, but I'll see another report on TV and get really upset again. This is so hard... even with faith it's hard... but it's definitely easier to cope when we know that these two people loved Jesus. We know we will see them again... this is not the end. As I mentioned before... please don't take your loved ones for granted. Spend time with them and make each moment count... because you just never know when something could happen that would take their life, or yours.
Below is Jason and Lindsay's wedding invitation. I blurred out information that is not public. This was hanging on my fridge since I got it. It is tough to look at, knowing that this wedding will never take place:
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