Lindsay C. Cutshall
[09/09/81 - 08/15/04]

Lindsay & Jason
Jason S. Allen
[05/16/78 - 08/15/04]

♥ "The sun is going down on the horizon, and all I see is the beams shining on the cliff face, and I know that God is awesome. I look around and see His Creation all around me." --Lindsay ♥                                                                                 ♥ "As I stir this Mac & Cheese, I think to myself, what a wonderful life. I've just spent two awesome days with my fiance, Lindsay. Can life ever be so perfect? Only with a person who is so great. God gives me this privilege in life and He has given me a wonderful woman to enjoy it with." --Jason ♥                                                                                 ♥ "Live for things in heaven, not on earth." --Lindsay ♥                                                                                 ♥ "Heaven will be a wonderful place of no suffering, hurt, loneliness; it's a great thing to look forward to." --Lindsay ♥

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Thirteen years...

Thirteen years ago today, Jason & Lindsay met Jesus face-to-face. They entered into heaven... a paradise FAR beyond what we can even begin to comprehend! Their lives were taken by a cruel young man filled with hate who had no respect for human life... but this isn't about him. This is about JESUS... who is the only One who can turn what someone meant for evil into something good. Jason & Lindsay's deaths were horrific... that hasn't changed. But their eternal lives began at that moment and that is something we have to celebrate! I know it seems really strange to think about it that way. It doesn't erase the validity of grief or how much their presence here is deeply missed... but it gives us HOPE. That's who Jesus is. He is HOPE, He is LIFE, He is LOVE, He is our RESTORER, He is our HEALER... and His death on the cross and resurrection made Him our REDEEMER. If we choose to follow Him... our death means the beginning of eternal life with Him. That is a reason for joy!

With that said... I'm not gonna lie. It did take me some time to fully recognize that there was such a reason for joy in this situation. What I mean is, I was so deeply impacted by this tragedy because it was just... unimaginable! It was overwhelming. I don't know a better way to describe it. But I never doubted God's goodness. In fact, I felt closer to God than ever before! But I was still devastated. There's nothing wrong with that. With God's help, I began to only see the beautiful truth that they're in the glory of heaven and that far outweighs the evil act that ended their lives here. I recently found a song that speaks perfectly to how God, as He NEVER leaves us, carries us through the trials that seek to consume us:

Direct link here.

Jason & Lindsay had such a heart for Jesus! They set aside material things and focused their lives on serving God in very unique ways. God gave them a passion for the simplicity and excitement of the "great outdoors," which is what led them to their unique calling... working at Christian adventure camps, where they could minister to youth while giving them the adventure of a lifetime! Just imagine that. How fun! No typical stresses of the "daily grind" that most of us have. They took their passion and found a way to serve God while pursuing their passion at the same time. Even on their last night on earth, they found a beautiful beach with a breathtaking view of the Pacific ocean and the sunset, and they wrote about their gratitude to God. They saw God in nature and it fueled their faith. They were truly remarkable people! I can only try to imagine what adventures they're on now. I look forward to joining in on those adventures one day.

So today... while I do always wonder what they would be doing if they were still here... I know that God always knew exactly when they would die. Nothing is a surprise to Him. I don't know why He allowed it, but I know He didn't cause it. I am grateful that Jason & Lindsay's legacy honors God in such a beautiful way. They live on in the faith of their families & loved ones who keep their memory alive.

Here are beautiful words from Jason's parents:

A few days after the news broke concerning the suspect in Jason's and Lindsay's murders, God gave me this poem. I found it while reading Elisabeth Elliot's "Keep A Quiet Heart":

I've many a cross to take up now,
and many left behind;
But present troubles move me not,
nor shake my quiet mind.
And what may be tomorrow's cross,
I never seek to find;
My Father says, "Leave that to me,
and keep a quiet mind."

Oh the peace that comes from knowing God is sovereign and the freedom that comes from carrying a heavy burden that truly is not our responsibility, when we commit to follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior!

Yes, after 13 years, we still miss Jason and Lindsay, we long to see their smiles, hear their voices, and feel their touch. The hope that we have in Christ assures us of having all of that again someday. That hope heals the grief and the pain and gives us a quiet heart.

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