Lindsay C. Cutshall
[09/09/81 - 08/15/04]

Lindsay & Jason
Jason S. Allen
[05/16/78 - 08/15/04]

♥ "The sun is going down on the horizon, and all I see is the beams shining on the cliff face, and I know that God is awesome. I look around and see His Creation all around me." --Lindsay ♥                                                                                 ♥ "As I stir this Mac & Cheese, I think to myself, what a wonderful life. I've just spent two awesome days with my fiance, Lindsay. Can life ever be so perfect? Only with a person who is so great. God gives me this privilege in life and He has given me a wonderful woman to enjoy it with." --Jason ♥                                                                                 ♥ "Live for things in heaven, not on earth." --Lindsay ♥                                                                                 ♥ "Heaven will be a wonderful place of no suffering, hurt, loneliness; it's a great thing to look forward to." --Lindsay ♥

Monday, September 09, 2024

Lindsay's 43rd Birthday!

Lindsay on the whitewater, Summer 2004

Today, Lindsay would have turned 43 years old. Her 21st birthday since she passed, and she was only 22 when she died. She was so young! She had her whole life with Jason ahead of her. It truly breaks my heart that they were robbed of their lives together. But I have learned that God views death differently than we do. Lindsay and Jason are more alive now than they were before, which is hard to understand, but very comforting! The Cutshalls and the Allens have lived through the unfathomable, but their faith... the same faith that Lindsay and Jason also held... is unwavering! They have turned tragedy into triumph, by the grace of God... and countless lives have been changed! Lindsay and Jason did not die in vain!

I didn't know Lindsay. Everything I know about her, I have learned from her family and others who knew her. I did get to meet her once and she was a sweetheart. Very soft-spoken and kind. I saw the love she had for Jason and it was adorable. She and Jason were remarkably compatible... both having the same interests and the same love for Jesus! I am so glad their last hours together here were watching a beautiful sunset after such a fun day together! Only a couple of hours later, they met Jesus face-to-face. Lindsay, wise beyond her years, earlier in life had written this in a journal:

"I greatly desire to have many crowns to give my God when I get to heaven. Nothing on earth matters in light of eternity. It is so easy to get caught up in the things of the world and forget what really matters. How amazing that we have forever to spend with Christ! The more we worship and spend our lives for Christ on earth, the better we can serve Him in heaven. I sometimes think of myself as a pilgrim in a foreign land traveling through life. We are here temporarily. I should be less materialistic and give more to God. Don't waste time!"

She already had her heart focused on heaven. Jesus was her focus! Her purpose here was to serve Him, worship Him, and prepare herself for heaven. She was the real deal! She was a light. She was a city on a hill. She exemplified this verse:

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." ~Matthew 5:14-16 (NKJV)

Please pray for Lindsay's family today! I can only imagine how hard it is to experience another year without her.

♥ Happy 43rd Birthday Lindsay! ♥

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